Drystone walls in Craignavar, Glen Almond. Perthshire.

This is one of the places that first inspired me to become a drystone waller in Perthshire. Sma’ Glen is also one of my favourite locations for a walk. The surrounding drystone walls are wonderful, although a lot have unfortunately been left to ruin.

Drystone walls, Glen Almond Perthshire.

Further into the glen is the ruined village of Craignavar, consisting of numerous stone buildings, enclosures and an amazing example of a corn-drying kiln.

Ruin of a drystone building, Glen Almond Perthshire.

Sheep graze freely throughout the glen, dogs should remain on leash.

Ruin of a drystone building, Glen Almond Perthshire

The corners are amazingly still intact and the corn drying kiln within the village is in beautiful condition.

Drystone walls, Glen Almond Perthshire.
Ruin of a drystone building, Craignavar Perthshire.
Ruin of a drystone building, Glen Almond Perthshire.

Drystone walls in Glentarken, St. Fillans. Perthshire.


Drystone walls in Allean Forest, Perthshire.