Drystone walls in Allean Forest, Perthshire.

Another amazing plae to visit for a drystone waller in Perthshire. Allean forest walk is an easy trail under larches, conifers and pines (even for a reluctant six-year old) passing a restored drystone blackhouse within a ruined clachan, an ancient Pictish ring fort and plenty of drystone walls.

Restored drystone blackhouse, Allean Forest Perthshire.

Ruins of clachan. Huge feature stones used in the foundations of these drystone buildings.

The ruin of a dry stone Pictish Ring Fort is further up the trail. Amazing views over Loch Tummell.

Allean Forest Ring Fort.
View from Allean Forest Pictish Ring Fort.
Restored drystone blackhouse, Allean Forest Perthshire.
Feature foundation stone in ruined drystone wall, Perthshire..jpg
Allean forest clachan trail.
Pictish Ring Fort, Allean Forest.

Drystone walls in Craignavar, Glen Almond. Perthshire.