The Memory Stones

Remembering Together is a project to co-create memorials which will honour the people we have lost, mark what has been lost and changed in our lives, and preserve the best of what we have learned and created together during the Covid pandemic.

As part of this project (in between drystone work and writing her book) Kristie recently completed her first public art commission.

The Memory Stones are seven large stones placed in Kirkgate Park, Kinross, each bearing a different translation of the poem ‘memory, stronger than stone’.

There are seven translations: English, Gaelic, Scots, Urdu, Polish, Mandarin and Braille. This represents not only the diversity within Scotland, but the diversity of experiences during this ongoing pandemic.

Six of the stones were letter carved by mason Douglas Stevens and a specially commissioned braille plaque was created by metalsmith Anais Bansal. The stones were placed in seven different locations throughout Kirkgate Park, Kinross and can be viewed in long grass areas on a pleasant circular walk. A map and sign are currently being completed and will be both shared and installed soon.


St Fillan’s Chapel and Graveyard


Representing Drystone in the Perthshire Edition of Scottish Field Magazine