Dry stone walls in Amulree, Perthshire.

Even when I’m not doing drystone walling I can’t help but stop and admire the dry stone walls wherever I am. Even though we had headed to Amulree for a run, I got my camera out afterwards. If you park at the village hall in Amulree, the road through Glen Quaich is a really good place for a run. There are great views further into Glen Quaich and to Loch Freuchie and easy, quiet roads to run on. There are a couple of ruined townships in Glen Quaich that I am keen to visit but will have to wait for warmer weather as they are quite a hike.

Drystone wall Amulree, Perthshire.
Drystone wall, Perthshire.
Drystone wall Amulree, Perthshire.

Drystone Walls in Dunkeld, Perthshire.


Drystone in Seil & Luing, Slate Islands.